Fashion Recycling Lab is a designers’ collective based in Bratislava. We collect. We combine. We travel. We meet beautiful people everywhere we go. This is how we like to dress them.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Sandalky dizajnujem aj vyrabam sama. Pouzivam na ne stare kozene kabaty, tasky, opasky, jeansy a vojenske odevy...Specialitkou je, ze ich vyrabam aj na mieru. Treba len navstivit moju dielnu, vybrat si material a priblizit mi vasu predstavu. Vitany je aj vas vlastny material, cokolvek z coho by sa sandale dali vyrobit. Chaloskovia POZOR! - Pre vas sa tiez nieco najde:-)


  1. Awesome styling! Something else that's related to recycling in the fashion world is this video I saw o YouTube: You should see it.
